How we work
We work to enable women and children to become leaders who initiate and sustain their own developmental change processes for sustainable development.
We do this through:
Forging community involvement in the design, management and control of interventions by establishing systems for inclusive representation of the target community members at the various levels of decision making and ensuring that community views are heard, and included.
Strengthening local initiatives that reinforce community participation, identifying communities’ own resource people, understanding their roles and establishing their capacities and abilities for community action.
Establishing mechanisms of accountability to communities by NGOs and service providers, advocating for decentralized policy implementation, service delivery and emphasizing policies that promote participation.
Including communities in planning, assigning of responsibilities as well as recruitment of project personnel.
Ensuring gender balance at every level of activity to ensure gender needs are voiced, considered and incorporated in project implementation.
Educating and sensitizing donors to inculcate greater responsiveness to community needs.
Using the most appropriate technology in activities.
Identifying and working with anchors, prime movers, and champions of local initiatives and harnessing local institutions; reassembling community assets and strengths into new combination, structures resources of income and control, and new possibilities for production.
Paying attention on the agenda-building and problem solving capacities of local residents, associations and institutions, emphasizing the local primacy of definition, investment, creativity, hope and control and being more aware of social and environmental factors influencing the situation of people.