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AgendaGL works in partnership with many stakeholders including Government Departments and Agencies, Local and International Funders and NGOs in reaching and meeting the needs of different communities. Some of this work include publications of papers, and writing of chapters in different published books on current affairs.
Read and enjoy some of the work done by AgendaGL in the publications sphere.
Shisanya, F. & Hosu, Y. (2020). Civil Society and The Promotion of African Indigenous Values and Approaches to Politics and Public Affairs in South Africa. In P.Kauriki., G.C. Adeyinka., S. Mhlongo (Ed). Civil Education in South Africa: Methodologies, Approaches and Digitalization (pp 82-109). Durban. Democracy Development Program.
Shisanya, F., Okoliko, D.A. & Gabrihet, H. (2020). Civil Education And Culture of Nonviolence Among South Africans: The Role of Civil Society Organisations. In P.Kauriki., G.C. Adeyinka., S. Mhlongo (Ed). Civil Education in South Africa: Methodologies, Approaches and Digitalization (pp 110-1487). Durban: Democracy Development Program.
Shisanya, F. (2020). Race Relations and Social Identification: A Hindrance to Social Cohesion in Post Apartheid South Africa. In P. Kauriki.,M.L.J. Goyayi & S. Mhlongo. (Ed). Social Cohesion in the Last Decade: Taking Stock to Inform the New Decade. (pp 197-222). Durban. Democracy Development Program.
Shisanya, F. & Oogo,A.L. (2020). Nexus Affirmative Action and Social Cohesion: Unbounding the Rainbow. In P.Kauriki., M.L.J. Goyayi, S. Mhlongo (Ed). Social Cohesion in the Last Decade:Taking Stock to Inform the New Decade (pp 223-267). Durban. Democracy Development Program.
Shisanya, S. O. & Kabiti, H.M. (2020). New Forms of Masculinities in Gender Relations Under Covid-19 Lockdown: A Theoretical Perspective. In P.Kauriki., M.L.J. Goyayi, S. Mhlongo (Ed). Social Cohesion in the Last Decade:Taking Stock to Inform the New Decade (pp 350-369). Durban. Democracy Development Program.